Sunday, October 19, 2008

Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult

I am am just starting to read a book called A Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult. This book is about a woman, June Nealon who lost her first husband in a car accident, ends up remarrying the police officer who came to their rescue at the scene of the accident. Living happily with her husband, Kurt and daughter, Elizabeth, they soon hire a man named Shay Bourne to work on their house. It turns out that this man Shay Bourne is mentally ill and he kills both her husband and daughter. After Shay Bourne gets convicted of murder, the jury now has to decide whether or not execution is necessary. I can relate to the part of the book where Michael, a college student who was chosen to be on the jury, is talking about how he can relate to June losing people she loved because he lost his grandfather. I can relate to that because I too, lost my grandfather five years ago. He talks about how someone broke into his house and stole a bunch of valuable things, but the only thing that hurt to lose was the picture of him and his grandfather that was in a sterling silver frame. I can really understand how that would be upsetting because I have a picture of my grandpa holding me as a baby that I would be upset to lose. This book is good, it has drawn me in from the very beginning and I wonder what will happen when i get farther into the story.

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