Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Blog # 2 Facing Difficulty

I read an article called This Land on the New York Times website. This was about hard living conditions in Akiachak, Alaska. One third of the people living there don't have running water, speak a different language (Yup'ik) and can only eat what they kill or catch. They're prices are also double of what is in the rest of the United States. Later on it talks about how people in the rest of the country are clueless about what is going on in this town, and haven't helped out. I think that there should be a lot more publicity for this town, and that if a ton more people knew of the harder living conditions going on in their own country, they would be willing to help out and save the town. Of course you're going to find the people who could care less, and think well at least it's not my town, but I also think there are some people who truly would want to be there for these Americans.

Barry, Dan. "Remote and Struggling but Still a Bit of America." New York Times. 5 October2008. 2 February 2009. <>

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